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We have had some employees transfert o new managers recently. Subsequently the new manager was automatically requested to do a review cycle that had already been completed by the old do we turn this off?

Hey @lisaamoroso 

As mentioned in our helpcenter article on Manage a Performance Review Cycle, if a Supervisor is changed mid-cycle then the new Manager will also receive a request for a review. Unfortunately this cannot be switched off, so to avoid it we always recommend where possible to close the Performance Cycle before changing the Supervisor attribute. The good thing is the old Manager will still be able to access the feedback they have given by going to their Feedback tab > About others, so this is not lost. 

In order to remove the review request for the new Manager, you may need to submit the review with some test wording put in. I understand this is not ideal and we already have had customers highlight to us in the Ideation Area, so could I kindly ask you to upvote and comment on this to give further visibility of the issue to Product. 

If there is anything else I can help with, please let me know.

Best regards, 


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