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Personio Product Update - January 2024

  • 20 June 2024
  • 0 replies


This post was originally posted on: 29.01.2024 by@Lisamerete.
Due to a restructuring, we have copied and reposted the post. Due to technical reasons the comments could not be moved.


Dear Voyager Community,

we hope you had a great start to the new year of 2024. ✨

Our second Personio Product Update took place on the 24th of January, if you were not able to attend, or you would like to listen to the information again, we have provided the recording for you here. 🎥



🎥 Recording



We're eager to hear your thoughts on the initial session. Your feedback is invaluable in helping us improve for the next time. Rest assured, our survey is brief, consisting of just 4 simple questions.


Questions from the webinar


  1. Is it planned that changes can also be scheduled into the past / historically changed, in the same way?

This is currently a limitation and out of the current scope as per the PE product update:


  1. The 1-1 option is not visible for our company, only default continuous feedback, how to fix that?

I am not certain on what they are referring to. It may just be a different performance form type for continuous feedback, these can be set up from performance & development settings > form templates and then checking the box to enable them for continuous feedback: 


  1. Training: can we set permission to access some training depending on some attributes (offices, team...) --> so it is only visible to the targeted people?

By default, everyone can always view the training catalog. It is not currently possible to limit access to the training depending on certain attributes. Would be good to link the client to ideation


  1. Can I put in the Absence Calendar "Elternzeiten" "Elternzeit in TZ" and do an Export to see, how long, when, and what type of Absence the employee had? Parental leave

Not possible to do an export from the absence calendar, but they could do a custom report for this data and then export this into an Excel sheet for their usage. Handy help center article:  Create custom reports


Best wishes,

Sanne & Lisa

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