Hi @LegoMD,
I think what you have been doing is the best workaround for your particular case. Unfortunately, as of now, there is not a way to differentiate between the personal email address and the corporate one. As you mentioned, the email address is a Unique ID in Personio as it is used for integrations also. What I can think of is that you activate the company email address before the Hired date, just before hiring the employee in Personio, but I guess this is not very convenient for you either.
I do really think that having a functionality that can somehow differentiate this added to Personio would greatly improve our software usability! Therefore, I would like to encourage you to post this suggestion of improvement in our Ideation area. This way, other users will be able to vote for it, and the suggestion will be shared with our Product Team.
In order for us to fully understand your idea, I share with you a couple of questions that your description should clarify when posting in the ideation area:
What would you like to achieve with Personio? What issue do you need to solve?
Why? What would be the added value for you?
How are you solving it right now?
The more details, the better! However, remember not to share any personal or business data with the public.
Make sure to add the link to the idea in this thread, so that other users that find your question can upvote it 
Thank you in advance for sharing your ideas with us 
Hi Zulema,
many thanks for your reply, I have just shared the idea:
Have a lovely day!
bests, LegoMD