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I am wondering if there is a way to change the role of a recruiter from Non-managerial to managerial within an application after they have already been assigned to that application.

Dear @lisaamoroso,

When you have granted a recruiter with a certain Recruiter Role you can change the Role in two areas, depending if you granted it on the Candidate profile or on the whole Position:

  1. Candidate profile: Go to the profile and click on Access. There you will see the employee on the role, and you will be able to edit it by clicking on the pencil:
  1. Position: Go to Position details and click on the pencil under Responsibles:

For more details about the Recruiting Roles, please visit our help center:

→ Recruiting Role Access Rights And What They Mean

I hope this information is helpful! Please let me know if there is any other question I can help you with.

I wish you a great start in the week!



Hello @lisaamoroso 

I hope you’re well!

Just checking in, since the question is not marked “answered”. Is this matter resolved? if that’s the case, just give us a hint (by liking, answering, or marking the above reply as “best answer”)

If you have any other question, of course go ahead and let us know in a comment :)

Happy weekend, 🤗

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