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Emphasise attribute in bold in job description?

  • 19 June 2024
  • 2 replies


Liebe Community, 

die Stellenbeschreibungen sind in Attribute aufgeteilt, mit denen man seine Stellenbeschreibung aufteilen kann nach Qualifikation etc.
Schade finde ich, dass man die Attribute nicht bold setzen kann, damit sie mehr auffallen und sich von dem restlichen Text abheben. Oder ist dies evtl. doch möglich? 

Merci & Grüße



Dear Community, 

The job descriptions are divided into attributes, which you can use to categorise your job description according to qualifications etc.
I find it a pity that the attributes cannot be set in bold so that they stand out more and stand out from the rest of the text. Or is this possible after all? 

Merci & regards


2 replies

Userlevel 6


Hi Nico,

I have translated your post to English, since this platform is used by users from different countries. Make sure to share any post in English so that others can answer your questions, take part in your discussions and upvote your ideas 😊.

P.S. If you rather communicate in German, make sure to visit our DACH Community, where this is the official language.

I wish you a lovely day!



Userlevel 6

Hi @Nico,

If you are using the Career page of Personio ( If you don’t have your own career page) the titles of the different attributes that belong to the Job Description are in capital letters, in case you would like to have a more customised page you have different options: Options to connect your career page to Personio. ​​​​​​

I’ve looked for similar ideas in our ideation area , but couldn’t find one yet.

case another user has shared this suggestion for improvement you can always vote for it.

You can always post a new idea here:

 How to: Submit an idea or suggest a new feature

Thank you very much for sharing your feedback with us!

I wish you an amazing day.



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