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Hi Community,

I have just started to use recruiting in Personio and I noticed that as I chose free job boards it will automatically post all our published job ad’s in them. Now, we have an open application post through Personio on our website and now that has been published in different job boards. Is there a workaround for this that it is not in any job boards as it doesn’t need to be published anywhere? How have other companies done this, as to my understanding I cannot pick, which post’s are posted in the job boards.




Hi @Katriina 👋 

If I understand you well, I believe you can make the "Open applications" position unpublished, this means temove it from your career page and only have it in the Personio system. This would mean that:

    1. On your website instead of a typical position, you just put a text section that lets candidates know they are free to apply for any role they do not currently  find in the open roles, at the *designated email* (the one connected to your Personio recruitment)

    2. This should make all those applications go to the "unassigned messages" section in Personio 

    3. You then move them manually to your unpublished "Open applications" position

This is a quite lenghtly workaround and I don't even know if it will work for you or suit you workload-wise but I hope I explained it well and that it helps :)


Hi @Sanja,

Thank you for your reply. Yes, you understood absolutely correctly. Good to know this workaround and yes it will take a bit of time to manually transfer them but it is doable. Thank you!




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