I’m a little confused as to the relationship between tracking links/channels and job boards (autoposting). I’m also confused about tracking links in general.
I have set autoposting on job board to all job boards. If a job application comes from a job board then how does it track this in tracking links? Will it be specific to the job board, even though there isn’t a channel for each job board?
What is the point of adding tracking links to each position rather than choose a tracking link when an application comes in from all those than are in the channel list?
For instance, if we set up with external recruiters that they are to send applications directly to Personio, do we not have to add this recruiter as a tracking link to this position?
And if we have a tracking category called email, then would this be automatically tracked? and therfore why would we have a tracking link called email?
If emails are received outside of Perosnio and we add them manually I’m assuming we then add the channel manually? so what’s the point of having a tracking link?