
Recruiting - Internal Job Postings

  • 6 January 2023
  • 5 replies


Hi All, 

We are using an iFrame to dispay the Personio Careers page on our Internal intranet site and our external company site.

We need to advertise a position internally only, but can’t work out a way to do this through Personio.

Has anyone else worked out way to do this?





Best answer by Andrea 20 January 2023, 16:28

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Userlevel 6
Badge +16

Dear @NoelleMcDaid,

Job positions within Personio can be published either through your Personio career page, or through an XML feed. In order to search for a solution about how to use these channels to publish your internal position, it would be helpful to know how exactly you would like to publish it. Only within the intranet? Let me know any detail, so I can try to find a solution for you.

Looking forward to reading your answer.



Userlevel 6
Badge +18

Hi both,

if I have understood this correctly.

This is a specific role that @NoelleMcDaid (company) wants to advertise internally only.

What you would find, typically, in the creation steps of any available positions is to be able to tick a box that allows you to make it visible only to say an Intranet version of the careers page vs. the public.

What you will often have is two careers page urls effectively.

This is perhaps something for Ideation.
Ability to have an internal and external careers/vacancies page.

Hope that@Andrea 
Hope that is sort of what you mean @NoelleMcDaid 

Incidentally - in process of creating a UK+IE dedicated Personio Group




so we have 2 company site, one internal and one external

We would like to Publish Internal & External on Internal site, and External only on External Site.

We went down the path of creating a Personio Sub Company Career page for Internal, but then ran into issues with autoposting on the Parent Career page. 


Userlevel 6
Badge +16

Hi @NoelleMcDaid,

Thanks for the clarification. The solution you used through the subcompany is the most suitable one on the moment. As @JHBEM mentioned, you can post how you would think this topic could be solved in a better way in our ideation area. This way, other users will be able to vote for your suggestion, and it will be shared with our product team. 

In order for us to fully understand your idea, I share with you a couple of questions that your description should clarify when posting in the ideation area: 

  • What would you like to achieve with Personio?  What issue do you need to solve?

  • Why? What would be the added value for you? 

  • How are you solving it right now? 

The more details, the better! However, remember not to share any personal or business data with the public.

Thank you in advance for sharing your ideas with us 🙌🏽.



Userlevel 6
Badge +18

@NoelleMcDaid - reading your needs then I would happily vote up if you put the link in the comments once you’ve created it.

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