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Hi Community :grinning:

So I have come across a possible idea with the Recruitment Module.

Our company has built in that we recieve emails through SMTP which diverts all emails sent to our careers email like most other people on here I am sure.

As we use this email address for recruitment activity, some time we will get emails that we cannot assign to a position as maybe is from the Government or something that is not spam (even though you do get alot of spam) that is actually of interest or important.  Because we are e
mailing from a shared source it means others can pick up the convo if needed however it will always show as an ‘Unassigned message’ as it is not directly involved as a candidate email.

The solution is that in the ‘assign’ function there is a ‘General inbox’ function which is kept.

This would allow us to simply mark as ‘Spam’ as it is not and also assign it to something so our ‘Unassigned messages’ are minimised.




Hi @Jordan_McCullough,

thank you for describing your idea in such detail! 
However, I would ask you to post it in our Ideation section, as we collect all of our customer ideas there so that the community can share its thoughts about them and is able to upvote the ideas. 


Hello lovely Community! 

You can find the idea from @Jordan_McCullough here: 

If you also think this would be an important feature, then vote for his idea! 


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