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Annual Salary Report

  • 24 July 2023
  • 5 replies

Hi, I need to pull a report for all employees and their ANNUAL salaries. I can’t find this anywhere and when creating a custom report and clicking ‘salary’, I only get the monthly amount, does anyone know how I can do this please? It should be really straightforward !!

5 replies

Userlevel 6

Hey @olivia.herbert 

Welcome to the Personio Community, we are thrilled to see you here 🎊 🥳. I am happy to support you with your inquiry.

We are currently experiencing an outage in our Salary tab at the moment, so I cannot do the testing needed to give you guidance. However, once this has been fixed, I will return back with an answer.



Userlevel 6

Hey @olivia.herbert 

Thank you for your patience on this issue. 

So for our reporting it will give the Salary on a month by month basis using the timeframe and point in time types of report unfortunately. This is why you are seeing the yearly salaries divided down into their monthly figure unfortunately. 

The best workaround I can offer to help with this would be to use a Custom Report with a timeframe type of report. For the date range you will enter This year and select the fixed salary attribute. It will give you the overall monthly payments in 12 lines, which you can then export and create a calculation to add within Excel.

It will look like this:

Understandably it would be more beneficial to just be able to pull the yearly salary figure. For this reason I would ask that you post this feedback into our Ideation Area to give visibility to the Product Team about this problem.

If there is anything else I can help with, please let me know.

Have a great Wednesday,


Badge +2


I faced the same issue with the salary report, and I would like to know if this is going to be solved in a future or if it can be added in the Product roadmap? Having an accurate an easy salary report it’s important → if I did a custom report with fixed salary it appears only the monthly salary, and I need the annual salary, the salary that appears on the contract.

There is no way to create a report with the annual salary of employees from different offices and have the historic report from last year…


Following up on what the previous user said, this is extremely important. I find it super hard to just easily look at salary changes for employees based on the yearly salary. The report that was suggested in this answer “ Custom Report with a timeframe type of report. For the date range you will enter This year and select the fixed salary attribute. It will give you the overall monthly payments in 12 lines, which you can then export and create a calculation to add within Excel.” doesnt create an accurate view becuase if the employee started mid month or left mid month it will give a different monthly salary as is prorated which makes the calculation even trickier…..

Badge +1

Hi @alexandraserra

I totally understand the concern here. I would like to share with you that @Julia MT has already shared this idea in our Ideation area and you can upvote for it 💪🏼 Also, feel free to add any extra comment you consider relevant for our Product Team who will have a look into all the ideas and work on possible ways to improve or implement them. 

You also have another idea shared by other users that might interest you:

I hope this can be implemented soon! 🤞🏼 

Wishing you a lovely day ahead! 🙌🏼



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