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Reports for people managers

Hi there,

I think this should be a regular question but I do not see an option to do this:

When I want to create and share custom reports with people managers, I want them to be able to see only the data that they have viewing rights for. How does that work in Personio? So far I only see the option to share a report but the report contains data from all employees. Too abstract? Example:

  • all people managers should get a monthly report on sick leave of their team
  • I created a custom sick leave report and shared with all people managers
  • problem: all people managers can view all data → data protection wise not possibe (of course I tested before and caught that error before I shared the data with everyone)
  • The only fix for this would be to create a report for each team for each people manager (roughly 30 reports, very manual and prone to errors)

→ Question: How can I create custom reports where people only have viewing access to the data that they have viewing rights to in Personio? In my example the people managers would of course be able to see their direct reports’ absences but not the absences of other people outside their team.

Best answer by International Support Team

Hey @QuestionAsker 

Welcome to the Personio Community, we are thrilled to see you here 🎊 🥳. I am happy to support you with your inquiry.

With the Custom Reports sharing function, the employees will not be able to edit it but they will be able to see data within this, even if they do not have access rights to it. For this reason, to ensure employees would only be able to view data that is relevant to them, you would need to create separate reports for each employee. By using the filter option you can put in Team equals _____, Department equals ______ and then share it with the respective employee.

I understand this can be time consuming, as you need to create 1 report per employee and also set the filters again for each. However, there is no way to limit the data according to each employee. This can be done using our System Reports but with Custom Reports, it allows employee to see all data. 

If you believe we can improve this feature, I would kindly ask that you post this feedback into our Ideation Area to highlight this to our Product Team. Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance on this.

Best regards, 


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3 replies

Hey @QuestionAsker 

Welcome to the Personio Community, we are thrilled to see you here 🎊 🥳. I am happy to support you with your inquiry.

With the Custom Reports sharing function, the employees will not be able to edit it but they will be able to see data within this, even if they do not have access rights to it. For this reason, to ensure employees would only be able to view data that is relevant to them, you would need to create separate reports for each employee. By using the filter option you can put in Team equals _____, Department equals ______ and then share it with the respective employee.

I understand this can be time consuming, as you need to create 1 report per employee and also set the filters again for each. However, there is no way to limit the data according to each employee. This can be done using our System Reports but with Custom Reports, it allows employee to see all data. 

If you believe we can improve this feature, I would kindly ask that you post this feedback into our Ideation Area to highlight this to our Product Team. Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance on this.

Best regards, 


  • Author
  • Getting Started
  • 1 reply
  • June 12, 2023

Hi Connor,

Thank you for your response.

That is unfortunate. I tried your “system report” work around. However, some people managers do not see most of the standard reports - e.g. absence days. How can I change that?


Thank you,


Hey @QuestionAsker 

If they cannot see the System Reports, then you may need to grant them access to these. To do this navigate to Settings > Employee roles > Select the employee role for the People Managers > Access rights > Reporting and grant them access within here



Any further difficulties, please let me know.

