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Reports in Personio

  • 22 May 2024
  • 1 reply

Hello Community,

I have been struggling with the reports in Personio for a while and I would need some help to understand a few things about this topic.


  1. Disqualified applications

In this report, I noticed a category named “not disqualified”. I would like to understand what this category exactly means, since there are already two other categories (Withdrawn and rejected).

  1. Applications and Application Funnel

I also noticed a difference between the report Applications and Application Funnel. From my experience, I do not have the same figures in the two reports in the category “New Application”. Does anyone know where this difference could come from ? For instance in April, the report Applications gives me 128 applications whereas the report Application Funnel gives me 176 applications.


Many thanks in advance to everyone,


Best rgeards,


1 reply

Userlevel 6

Hi @Vincent Mauras,

The Disqualified Applications report provides an overview of how many candidates withdrew from the application process or were rejected during the specified period and shows the application process stage they were in at that point.

The report displays candidates whose applications are either Withdrawn, Rejected or Not disqualified.

  • Withdrawn means that the candidate is no longer interested in the job.
  • Rejected means that your company rejected the candidate, perhaps because they were not suitable for the job.
  • Not disqualified means applications that are neither in stage Withdrawn or Rejected (still in the recruiting process).

For more information, please see the article: Disqualified Applications report

The Applications report shows the number of candidates who have submitted applications to your company.  

The Application Funnel/Pipeline report shows how applications received during the selected time period were moved through your application funnel. Applications are divided into the different application stages.

You can find more information on these reports here: 

In your specific case, more investigation is required and I would, therefore, recommend you create a support request via The in-product Help area

Thanks for your query and don’t hesitate to reach out for further info. 😀



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