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Hallo liebe Community,

wir nutzen aktuell den iCal-Link für die Integration des Unternehmenskalenders nach Outlook. Dort haben wir eingestellt, dass das Team Abwesenheiten sehen kann, allerdings nicht den genaue Grund (Urlaub, Krankheit usw.). Die Cronofy-Integration haben wir aktiviert.

Das erste Problem ist, dass beantragte Abwesenheiten über Personio sehr lange dauern, bis sie in Outlook erscheinen.

Das zweite Problem ist, dass Abwesenheiten, die aus Personio wieder entfernt werden (Urlaub wird zurückgezogen), im Outlook-Kalender weiterhin zu sehen sind. Mittlerweile ist es 2 Tage her, dass der Urlaub gelöscht wurde und er immernoch im Unternehmeskalender in Outlook steht.

Hat hierzu jemand Erfahrungen oder Tipps?


Vielen Dank schon mal und liebe Grüße


Hello dear community,

We are currently using the iCal link to integrate the company calendar into Outlook. There we have set that the team can see absences, but not the exact reason (vacation, illness, etc.). We have activated the Cronofy integration.

The first problem is that absences requested via Personio take a very long time to appear in Outlook.

The second problem is that absences that are removed from Personio (vacation is withdrawn) can still be seen in the Outlook calendar. It has now been 2 days since the vacation was deleted and it is still in the company calendar in Outlook.

Does anyone have any experience or tips on this?


Many thanks in advance and best regards


Hi @Cathrin.Klingenmeier,

With the Calendar integration, absences should be automatically transferred to your personal calendar. If an employee then deletes an absence period in Personio, this period should be deleted in your external calendar as well. 

The community is here to support you with any topic and inquiry. Nevertheless, if the topic you publish requires to check specific data on your account, a support ticket is the correct request form. Through a support ticket, we will be able to log in into your account, check the settings together with you, and also verify if the topic might involve a system error.

You can contact the Support Team via Help. Be aware that only Account Owners can contact our Support Team. In case you are not registered as such, please contact your colleagues in the role, or add this information in your account. You can find out how here.

I have translated your post to English, since this platform is used by users from different countries. Make sure to share any post in English so that others can answer your questions, take part in your discussions and upvote your ideas 😊.

P.S. If you rather communicate in German, make sure to visit our DACH Community, where this is the official language.

Please let me know if there is anything else I can support you with.



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