
Time recording / overtime for part-time employees

  • 28 March 2024
  • 6 replies

Liebe Community, 

wir haben eine Teilzeit-Mitarbeiterin, welche prinzipiell fixe Arbeitstage hat (Mo + Di jeweils 8 Stunden und Fr 4 Stunden), es jedoch auch dazukommen kann bzw. sie die Möglichkeit hat, an den “abwesenden Tagen” zu arbeiten. 

Bsp1: Sie muss Uni-bedingt am Montag 4 Stunden früher aufhören und möchte diese dann am Mittwoch nacharbeiten.

Wie müssen wir hier das Arbeitszeitmodell aufsetzen, damit Überstunden richtig gezählt werden? Überstunden täglich oder wöchentlich berechnen? Minusstunden täglich erfassen? Die Variante, die Arbeitszeit auf alle Tage gleichmäßig aufzuteilen, hatten wir bereits versucht, ist jedoch wegen Feiertagen keine Option für uns. 

Bsp2: kommende Woche ist Montag ein Feiertag (Montag = fixer Tag an dem sie arbeitet). Würden wir hier mit der gleichmäßig-verteilten-Variante (4h/Tag) vorgehen, müsste sie in dieser Woche an einem anderen Tag 4 Stunden zusätzlich arbeiten, damit hier richtig mitgezählt wird. 

Ich hoffe, ich konnte unser Problem/Situation deutlich machen und freue mich auf eure Hilfe - ich konnte bisher leider keine passende Antwort und auch keinen Ratgeber/Erklärung für diese Situation von Personio finden! Danke euch 💛

Ganz liebe Grüße 

The original post has been translated by the moderator

Dear Community, 

We have a part-time employee who in principle has fixed working days (Mon + Tue 8 hours each and Fri 4 hours), but she can also work on the "absent days". 

Example 1: She has to finish work 4 hours early on Monday due to university and would like to make up for this on Wednesday.

How do we have to set up the working time model here so that overtime is counted correctly? Calculate overtime daily or weekly? Record minus hours daily? We have already tried the option of dividing the working time equally across all days, but this is not an option for us due to public holidays. 

Example 2: Monday next week is a public holiday (Monday = fixed day on which she works). If we were to proceed with the evenly distributed variant (4 hours/day), she would have to work an additional 4 hours on another day this week in order to be counted correctly. 

I hope I have been able to make our problem/situation clear and look forward to your help - unfortunately I have not yet been able to find a suitable answer or a guide/explanation for this situation from Personio! Thank you 💛

Best regards 


Best answer by International Support Team 19 April 2024, 13:43

View original

6 replies

Userlevel 6

Hey @Marlene 

Welcome to the Personio Community, we are thrilled to see you here 🎊 🥳. I am happy to support you with your inquiry.

Just one question before I guide further on this, does the employee receive an hourly or fixed salary? 

Looking forward to hearing back from you.




Hi Conor, 

thank you! Regarding your question: the employee receives a fixed salary :) 

Greetings from Austria,

Userlevel 6

Hey @Marlene ,

Thank you for this answer.

I forgot to also ask will the employee work overtime or not? After this information is provided I can guide you on the best way to set this up 😀



Dear Conor,

yes - provided, she has completed her weekly working hours! 🤓

I am delighted!

All the best, 


@International Support Team ? 😉

Userlevel 6

Hey @Marlene 

Apologies on the delay in response, we have been a little bit inundated with requests. 

For this I would recommend entering their normal working days to the work schedule Monday Tuesday and Friday. I would then enable the Track overtime and deficit hours as shown below.


On the normal days they work, no overtime or deficit hours will be needed as they will work their normal hours. However if they choose to work on different days, their normal working days will have deficit hours calculated but then the non-scheduled days will have overtime. Therefore it will balance out when the employee does not work on a scheduled day but works on an absent day.

Please note that you should only assign this working schedule from the date the employee starts tracking time. Otherwise the overtime balance can go into a large minus figure. 

Try this out and let me know if you run into any further difficulties.

Best regards, 


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