Dearest community,
One of the main goals of this platform is for you to be able to find any information you need about Personio and HR topics, as quickly and easily as possible.
How can we achieve this mission together? You also have the opportunity to share with fellow Community members how you personally use our tool to solve inquiries and simplify your daily work. Because sometimes, you come up with the most creative and suitable solutions.
In order to motivate you to share these solutions and best practices with the community, we want to offer you a super fun activity:
Answering FAQs about Personio
In the coming weeks, we will share one frequently asked question with you each week.
🧠 We encourage you to share your knowledge and reply in a comment! No comment or answer is wrong! All posts are welcome.
Feel free to use our educational material such as:
To recognize how amazing you are for supporting your peers, we will award you with a special badge, depending on how many comments you left in the questions.
We are thrilled to start this game with you and hope you are as excited as we are!
Let us know if we should clarify any further aspect about the game with you.
Greetings from Munich,
Your Community team