Hi @andra.enache !
At the moment, there is no feature in Personio that allows you to create a profile for an intern or a working student that distinguishes them from your other employees. Once a profile is created, you will be able to see it in the Employee List, reporting, etc.
Is there a specific reason why you require this type of functionality? Maybe there’s a workaround I can help you with, depending on what you want to do with the intern profiles. You can also check out the below posts, to see if they are relevant for you.
From Intern to FTE - Recruiting filled position & new employee profile
Internal moves from Intern/Working Student/Contractor to Full time employee tracking
You can also post a suggestion for a new feature in our Ideation section! The more ideas we collect to improve our services, the better! 
Take care!
I would also agree with @andra.enache, it would be nice to have a separate intern option as well.
At the moment we have Interns and PhDs who are completing the industrial part of their programme with us. Interns are on our PAYE payroll but PhDs aren’t, so it’s just a little complex to adjust this to their profiles on Personio.
What I’ve done is added “Interns” and “PhDs” to the Team section (not Department) which might help in the meantime. I’m not sure but it would be good to see what additional functionalities Personio intends to launch.
On a final note, can you also advise whether we can add a new probation period? At the moment it is set from “no probation” to “1 month” “2 months” etc- is there any way to set 2 weeks?
Hi @xtine08 !
I agree, I think that being able to tailor the employee profiles to suitably reflect the nature of work contract would be an excellent and highly useful feature insight for many users. Please do go to Ideation and share your thoughts with us 
Regarding the probation period: unfortunately, this is a preset attribute and cannot be customized. The only options available are 1-6 months, or no probation. No new measures can be added - again, this would be another feature to share with the Community. 
Any questions, just let me know!
@xtine08 and @andra.enache
If you create the Ideas that you’ve proposed then feel free to tag me as I would Upvote them.