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Apologies if I missed this somewhere but the only relevant threads I could find on this topic were from 2 years ago. We, like many others, are looking to automate our onboarding process and eliminate the need to receive new hire information via e-mail, Excel sheet, etc. 


In short:

How can we invite new hires to upload their information into Personio before their start (and the acquisition of their work e-mail address)? Please bear in mind that we have SSO enabled and, as far as I have seen, this eliminates the option to have new hires upload info prior to having their work e-mail.


I'm hoping I'm wrong and that there’s a way around this so I look forward to your answers. Thanks in advance!




Hello Yasmin, 

Which SSO are you using ? 
If you’re using the Google SSO integration directly set up within Personio indeed it will not be possible. 

Another option is using Oauth 2.0 with an external identification process. Then you could add someone with his/her personal email to allow them access to the platform. The system will recognize it’s nt part of your directory and redirect them with an authentification through their login and password. 

This is something we are currently doing but it has its own limitations especially to change back the primary email when the employee account is created. 

I hope this is something Personio’s team will improve in the future. A quick fix I’m proposing for the team is to develop an external form that we could send to new hires so that they could give us all the info needed, and it will just update their profile without the need to have access to the platform. 


Hi @yasmin.panahi,


At the moment, if new hires don't have access to their company email addresses before starting, they'll need to log in with a personal email and set up a password in Personio.

Thank you @Nathan Jolly for providing a detailed answer and sharing the workaround. 😊

I would encourage you to send this feedback through the new ‘Give feedback’ feature directly in your Personio account. Submissions will be forwarded directly to the relevant product teams. You can find more information in this community post.

If there is an update in this area, you will be informed through our Personio Product Updates or via an in-app notification.


Have a lovely day! 🙌



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