
💥 HR discussion: What opportunities does HR have from your perspective to develop and promote talent?

  • 13 December 2023
  • 1 reply
💥 HR discussion: What opportunities does HR have from your perspective to develop and promote talent?
Userlevel 5
Badge +10

Hi Community,

Ready for the next stop on our trip around the world? Buckle up, today we're heading to the continent 📍Africa!

Africa's economy is growing rapidly and local companies are experiencing an impressive upswing. The continent is often first associated with drought, famine and conflict, but in many African countries the economy is experiencing a "boom". - Source

A continent full of great potential! 

Africa not only impresses with its natural resources such as the potential for renewable energies, but also with its vibrant entrepreneurial spirit, innovative strength and cultural diversity. 👉 Let's take a look at some numbers:

  • The sub-Saharan region has an average economic growth rate of 3%,
  • Ethiopia, Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana and Rwanda are at more than seven percent,
  • By 2050, Africa's population is forecast to double and 
  • By 2035, the continent is expected to have the largest labor supply in the world!

The trend is clear! Individual success stories and projects that underline Africa's potential are explained further in this source.


💡 You can find information about the growth rates of specific European countries here.


Talent development in Africa's emerging markets

Emerging markets not only present business opportunities, but also the need for effective HR strategies. The challenge now is to develop and nurture a generation of professionals who can meet the challenges of an emerging market. In this era of growth, HR is not just a department - it is the architect of success.

🧠 Talent development is highlighted further in our HR lexicon post on talent management.

Given the dynamic market changes, as in Africa and other regions, HR departments need to develop and promote talent to meet rapidly changing demands. With this in mind, let's take a look at our HR discussion:


From your point of view/ experience, what opportunities do HR professionals have to develop and promote talent?


Share your knowledge, you can also share practical examples! With each of your comments you participate in our end-of-year campaign. 💡 We will donate €5 per comment to the charity Doctors Without Borders.

Are you curious to see which HR discussion we will present next? Keep your eyes open, 👀 the next post will follow on Friday! You can get an overview of the campaign here


1 reply

Userlevel 5
Badge +10

Hi Community,

Just a few more days left to share your thoughts and perspectives on the HR-Discussions and participate in a good cause! @Judth Ritman @ffxbauer @Julia_Schmidt have you checked out the topic for the continent Africa? 🌍

Looking forward to your thoughts! 😇



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