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Is there any way to block employee powers to edit their goal progress once the performance evaluation cycle has been closed? I would like to secure the % of achievement so employees cannot modify the % of achievement after the achievement has been discussed with their managers


I see that the possibility to edit % remains open forever and I think this is dangerous from a data accuracy perspective 



Hi @Andreina Orta,

You can remove the allowance to update the progress of a Goal by navigating to the Goal and clicking on the pencil icon. There, you have the option Edit goal and you can untick the box Allow employee to update progress of this goal. In this way, the employees won’t be able to modify the percentage of achievement after this has been marked as Completed

For more information about this topic, you can visit our Help Center article: Edit a goal.

I hope this helps Andreina! If you have further questions, please let me know! 😃

Wishing you a lovely day ahead! 🙌🏼



Hi again @Zulema T 

Thanks for your answer.

I tried removing edition powers to the employees and it works, however, employee’s manager can still edit the goal achievement of their employees. So goals seem to remain open for them.


I need them to be fully closed so we can literally close the performance review cycle and have no one but HR,  editing again, is there a way to do this?


On the other hand: can we archive goals once they have been fully evaluated? I dont see an option to archive, so it seems employees will have always vibility of their goals even though the have expired



Hi @Andreina Orta,

Please be aware that, currently, by default, Supervisors can always edit the Goals of their reports.

For more information about this topic, you can visit our Help Center article: View and edit access for Goals.

Regarding the option to archive, this is not possible for now, the employees will have visibility of their Goals. They can see when the status of the Goal (Not startedOn trackOff trackCompletedCancelledDeferred).

I do really think that having this functionality added to Personio would greatly improve our software usability! Therefore, I would encourage you to send this feedback through the new Give feedback feature directly in your Personio account. Submissions will be forwarded directly to the relevant product teams. You can find more information in this Community post.

If there is an update in this area, you will be informed through our Personio Product Updates or via an in-app notification 😃

Have a lovely day! 🙌🏼



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