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Quería saber si es posible en personio poner fecha de caducidad de formaciones realizadas y que te avise cuando la formación está cerca de vencerse por si hay que actualizarlo.

En caso de que no se pueda, ¿se os ocurre alguna manera de registrar que esa formación hay que renovarla?



I wanted to know if it is possible in personio to set an expiration date for training courses and to be notified when the training is about to expire in case it needs to be updated.

In case it is not possible, can you think of a way to register that this training needs to be renewed?

Hi @Ana Calconut 


At the moment Personio does not have a notification on this as such. However, you could maybe create a Custom attribute of the type date and then set reminders based on this for certain employee Roles. For instance, HR, so they can double check Trainings and decide if there should be an update. 


I would encourage you to send this idea/feedback/suggestion through the new ‘Give feedback’ feature directly in your Personio account. Submissions will be forwarded directly to the relevant product teams. You can find more information in this community post.

If there is an update in this area, you will be informed through our Personio Product Updates or via an in-app notification.


I have translated your post to English, since this platform is used by users from different countries. Make sure to share any post in English so that others can answer your questions, take part in your discussions and upvote your ideas 😊.

P.S. If you rather communicate in Spanish, make sure to visit our Spanish Community, where this is the official language.

I wish you a lovely day!


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